Possibilities and perspectives of social habilitation of the handicapped people with intellectual disability

Vol. 11 Iss. 1 pp. 7681 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Interaction of socially significant skills and influence o f fam ily orientation on the psychosocial status and work readiness o f the handicapped people with stable intellectual and psychical disability is considered. The possible rote o f training orientation o f the rehabilitation service personnel in the social problems o f such disabled is analyzed. The actions fo r solving and prevention o f the social integration problems o f the able-bodied handicapped people with mental retardation are discussed and recommended.


Social habilitation, work readiness, dynamics o f the sign development, declaring requirements, objective requirements, projection questioning, fam ily business, socio-environmental orientation, socially significant skills, scales o f the skill expression


Citation — Harvard Notation


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