What students want: results of sociological study

Vol. 11 Iss. 1 pp. 6671 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The paper is devoted to the results of sociological study carried on in St. Petersburg state institute for psychology and social work in 2008-2009. The students' attitude to studies, students ’ ideas of the relation of their education to their carriers andfuture living standards, students 'estimates of their chances to achieve higher level of professional competence and material well-being were studied. Using questioning results and content analysis o f the filled questionnaires aspects of the education which are most attractable fo r the students were determined. The finding can be interesting for lecturers as well as for specialists composing the syllabuses.



motivation fo r the university education, orientation to the new knowledge acquiring, students ’ intellectual curiosity, attendance at lectures, attitude to cheating and plagiarism


Citation — Harvard Notation


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