Psychological features of «the modern ideal of female beauty» in social network Instagram

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 921 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article presents the results of studies of psychological characteristics of “the modern ideal of female beauty” in social network Instagram. Historical dynamics of ideas about female beauty, “the ideal of female beauty in modern society”, some elements of appearance as a part of “ the ideal of female beauty, revelation of “modern ideal of female beauty” from the point of view of the concept: modern beauty is beauty of consumption are described and analyzed. Psychological features of the image of a woman-mother and a woman-mistress are reflected in the profiles of the ten most popular girls in social network Instagram. The results of the study of the phenomenon “the modern ideal of female beauty”allowing to understand the main values dominating in the society are presented. Female images in socio-cultural space illustrate particular norms of appearance (behaviour) of self-presentation at a certain period of time.


beauty, ideal of female beauty, psychological perception, attractiveness and female image in the socio-cultural context, self-presentation, ”the beauty of provocation” “the beauty of consumption”


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