Impaza-role features of the successful professional socialisation of youth

Vol. 26 Iss. 2 pp. 3843 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article describes the features of socialisation of young people in terms of the role theory. Professional socialisation is regarded as one of the sides of personal socialisation. Authors revealed the essence and content of a new concept in modern Psychology: the role impozit, which reflects the role invariants of personal socialisation. It was proved that an adequate impaza-role composition in the professional field provides an effective professional self-determination in subjects of adolescence and early adulthood period. The data of two-factor analysis of variance was presented, showing that the deep role determinants underlie the first stage of professional socialisation of young people. An analysis of statistical differences of impaza-role composition in three groups (pupils and students with a strong professional self-determination and professionally undecided pupils) was conducted. This article gives a deeper understanding of the unconscious foundations of personal socialisation.


socialization, professional development, professional self-determination, roles, impaza-playing composition, role invariants


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