The correction of anxiety in pre-school children using sand therapy

Vol. 24 Iss. 2 pp. 3038 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article is devoted to the research of psychological features in children of senior pre-school age with different levels of anxiety, and evaluation of effectiveness of the sand therapy programme in correction of negative mental conditions in children. The research proved that the implementation of correction of anxiety using sand therapy has generally positive dynamic and leads to the change of anxiety in children of senior pre-school age. This is reflected in the reduction of anxiety, fears associated with the experience of social stress, frustration associated with the need to succeed, and problems in relationships with teachers. Moreover, authors highlight post-correctional positive trends in parent-child relations, particularly in terms of cooperation.


anxiety, senior pre-school age, fears, sand therapy


Citation — Harvard Notation


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