«Corpus» by Jean-Luc Nancy: extreme body experience as a reason for extreme discourse

Vol. 19 Iss. 1 pp. 126130 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


In 1991, the French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy at the age of fi fty-one underwent heart transplant surgery. One year after the operation Nancy wrote a philosophical work entitled «Corpus». This work practi-cally contains no references or footnotes to other philosophers. «Corpus» is completely devoid of the apparatus, which we used to see in the works of philosophers who aspire to scientifi c. It is not by chance that this work is devoid of all that involves the scientifi c study, much like literary work — the presence of such apparatus. And yet, it is philosophy, but in a particular sense. The unique experience of transforming the philosophical discourse or, rather, going beyond the existing one that was done by Nancy is analyzed.


extreme experience, literary format of philosophy, logos and poezis, epistemological gap, new subjectivity


Citation — Harvard Notation


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