Analysis of conflict interaction in young married couples in the process of psychological counselling

Vol. 19 Iss. 1 pp. 7073 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article presents the research fi ndings on the causes of confl ict interaction in young married couples. During the analysis an assessment is given to the factors that contribute to increase of the confl ict level in young married couples and relate to the sex-role correspondence, the degree of coherence between husband and wife in terms of family values and family roles adequacy. The feasibility of timely psychological intervention aimed at overcoming the mismatch of aspirations and expectations related to the distribution of roles in a family, the development of role adequacy of a young married couple in the process of psychological counseling.


family confl icts, family values, sex-role coherence, role adequacy


Citation — Harvard Notation


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