Applying logotherapeutic approach when working with clients in crisis situation

Vol. 22 Iss. 2 pp. 3140 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


This article reveals features of applying logotherapeutic approach when working with clients in crisis situations. Crisis is the state of reformation of the inner world associated with the revaluation of values. The quality and strength of internal ties with already existing values change. The stages of establishing meanings and work with essences formation in selected clients are described. Working with meanings and essences can help clients to understand their condition more deeply, to find out their inner resources and capacities needed to overcome the crisis. It is noted that the application of logotherapeutic approach (as well as any other) can be useful for building meanings for the client only if the therapist has qualitatively worked on his own.


logotherapy, meanings, essences, crisis state


Citation — Harvard Notation


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