Characteristics of social competence of homeless persons

Vol. 30 Iss. 2 pp. 8896 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


This article discusses the psychological characteristics of homeless persons related to their level of social competence. The results of an empirical study of characteristics of social and psychological adaptation of the homeless, their tendency to dependence and the severity of motivators of social and psychological activity of an individual are demonstrated. The empirical section is based on a theoretical study that highlights the psychological and social characteristics of the homeless which determine their social maladjustment and contributes to labor disintegration. The article attempts to systematize the results of previous studies in order to create an optimal model for social and psychological support of homeless persons.


social competence, social and psychological adaptation, homeless, addiction, integration into labour relations


Citation — Harvard Notation


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