Counseling on the issues of a subjective component of health

Vol. 30 Iss. 2 pp. 112118 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article discusses the concept of a subjective component of health, describes a hierarchical system of elements constituting the subjective component of health and psychological readiness for counseling activities, depending on the severity and quality of which, the resource and problem areas of students of a pedagogical university are distinguished. The authors describe the level of development of future teachers' readiness for counseling on the subjective component of health. The definition of counseling on the issues of the subjective component of health and its algorithm is given. The possibilities of the influence of the counseling process on the subjective component of health are presented. The article describes in detail how supervision specifically helps students of a pedagogical university to understand internal limitations. The practical possibilities of supervision in the process of converting constraints into their resource are described. Current stage of the implementation of student supervision is analyzed.


консультирование, психологическая готовность, проблемные и ресурсные зоны, субъективная составляющая здоровья


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