Diagnosis of emotional sphere of students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 161170 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


This article proposes a diagnostic procedure that has the accessibility and objectivity of studying emotions to predict the behavior of students with ADHD. Diagnosis of emotions of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is represented by two methods: “Color Choices Test” and “Color Association Test”. These projective techniques reveal unconscious emotions that regulate and encourage students' behavior. The methods are portable, short in time and informative. Emotions are represented by a variable that regulates and encourages the behavior of students in a broad aspect, i.e. at school, family and in the street. In addition to behavior, emotions have a certain effect on the cognitive apparatus, i.e. on memory, attention, thinking, speech of students. The dominance of the emotional sphere in the scheme of influence is explained by ancient neural circuits of the brain. As an evidence base for the dominance of emotions in the psyche and behavior, their diagnosis is given.


emotional, cognitive and behavioral symptoms of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity of students, diagnosis of the emotional sphere of students, educational activities of students of primary school age


Citation — Harvard Notation


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