Drawing and color in art therapy

Vol. 21 Iss. 1 pp. 130141 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article presents the comparative analysis of capital predicates of art therapy with the relevant representation of their importance to patients. The chromatic analysis of world culture reproducible documents showed the relative role of drawing and color in composite constructions of artists. Specifi cally, the drawing was an element of formal and logical mapping of composition, while the color was more essential for infl uencing the deep emotions of the patient by virtue of unconscious principles of sensually-shaped functioning of his intellect. Hence the conclusion was made of the relevant use of pattern and / or color, depending on the dominant intelligence (rational and / or emotional) in each patient, depending on the gender (psychological sex) and the boundary conditions of his existence.


art therapy, gender semantics of the color, color, drawing, composition, Rorschach test


Citation — Harvard Notation


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