Educational strategy of high school in the conditions of a market demand for formation

Vol. 13 Iss. 1 pp. 9398 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


In the article are indicated the new social tendencies forming a social context of institute of higher education in Russia and making new demands to processes of training. The author considers that in aspiration of high school to prepare researchers, instead of users expression fi nds inadequacy of high school to demand for higher education. The author indicates necessity of new ideology of social problems of high school and advances prospect of correction of standard requests to degree works of pupils. Considering higher education as service it is possible to tell that in the market of educational services the user knowledge, instead of knowledge of research character uses demand. In a kind of it, the main thing for high school — to give that knowledge which becomes skill.


аccess expansion to higher education, Number reduction in entrants-graduates of schools, Change transition youth, Market orientation of high school, The market of demand for social knowledge, Social and professional career, Knowledge of the user and knowledge of the researcher


Citation — Harvard Notation


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