Evaluation of social professionals in the system of the independent assessment of qualifications

Vol. 30 Iss. 2 pp. 97104 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article is devoted to the current problem of assessing the qualifications of workers in modern conditions of the labor market development. The legal and organizational framework for the independent assessment of qualifications based on the professional standards is presented. The methods for assessing qualifications in the format of a professional exam are described. The problems of the selection of assessment tools for social professionals are indicated. The methods for the formation of tasks for the practical part of the professional exam are disclosed. A proposal for the formation of the practical part of the exam in the form of solving situational problems is given. Conclusions are drawn on the need to change the methods of training for the professional exam, in accordance with modern requirements for the format of assessment activities and the level of knowledge and skills of specialists.


независимая оценка квалификаций, профессиональный экзамен, оценочные средства, инструменты оценивания, профессиональные стандарты, работник, совет по профессиональным квалификациям, квалификация, эксперт


Citation — Harvard Notation


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