Factors that give rise to conflicts between students and teachers of a secondary education institution

Vol. 33 Iss. 1 pp. 141152 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Teacher-student relationships provide a broad scope of activity for conflict resolution experts, as their relationships involve many aspects that can give rise to interpersonal conflicts. This article examines the factors that can give rise to such conflicts, their classification, the views of various researchers on the subject, and the role and responsibility of the teacher in his or her interaction with a student. The findings of the study of the factors that lead to conflict situations between teachers and students at one of the schools in Saint Petersburg are presented.

The study of factors that could give rise to pedagogical conflicts is highly important as the gained insights from this type of research can be used for conflict prevention. The effectiveness of various preventive methods in a given community will depend on what exactly caused the conflict. Based on the outcome that was obtained from this study, a specific program that contributes drastically to the problem of conflict prevention in secondary institutions was created.


factors that give rise to conflicts, factors of conflicts, conflicts in the educational sphere, school conflicts, teacher-student conflicts, conflict prevention, features of teacher-student conflicts


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