Features of ethnosocial integration of immigrants from Russia

Vol. 11 Iss. 1 pp. 137141 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The factors influencing dynamics o f integration o f immigrants in new community are considered. Various levels o f integration of immigrants are analyzed. Influences o f the social environment on integration o f immigrants are described and the theses are substantiated, that problems o f integration into a new society provoke serious damage in fam ily and mental health o f immigrants. The thesis about necessity o f system research o f issues o f integration o f immigrants in order to optimize their association with indigenous population and prevent beginning o f deadaptation derangements is substantiated.


Integration o f immigrants, ethnos, ethnic consciousness, ethnosocial integration, marginalization, discrimination, unemployment


Citation — Harvard Notation


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