Individual personality features of clients belonging to different types of economic self-awareness in situations of subjective dissatisfaction with the level of economic well-being

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 3139 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of determining individual personality characteristics specific to certain types of client’s economic self-awareness in consulting work with frustration requests in the conditions of subjective dissatisfaction with the level of client’s economic well-being. The significance of the factor of economic well-being in the structure of the quality of modern life and the development of frustration processes in situations of subjective dissatisfaction with the level of economic well-being is substantiated. Based on the results of an empirical study, assumptions are made about possible objects of psychocorrection in problematic situations of subjective dissatisfaction with the level of client's economic well-being for different types of subjective economic well-being. These objects, if the validity of their significance is confirmed on the basis of more large-scale research, can be used to develop specialized programs of psychological correction and psychological support, focused on individual-personality profiles of representatives of different types of subjective economic well-being.


psychological counseling, model of psychocorrections objects, subjective economic well-being, hierarchical model of subjective economic well-being, economic frustration, subjective level of living, effectiveness of psychological counseling


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