Modern approaches to the problem of studying bullying in Kazakh school

Vol. 24 Iss. 2 pp. 169175 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article deals with the problem of bullying (violence) in school environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The statistics of this social and psychological phenomenon is reflected. The study identified the main causes of violence in schools, and features of the behavior of adolescents from different age groups. The sub-stantiation of test groups, taking into account peculiarities of manifestation of the crisis of adolescence, is given. Author conducted evaluation and analysis of the sacrificial behavior of children. The results of experimental studies of adolescents in 5th and 9th grades are given. The article is aimed at updating the professional work of psychologist in school.


bullying, school environment, sacrificial behavior, adolescent, fear, impunity, professional responsibility


Citation — Harvard Notation


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