Parameters of personal maturity of students in the helping professions

Vol. 30 Iss. 2 pp. 719 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Attention is drawn to the importance of personal maturity in the professional psychological portrait of specialists in the helping professions. Maturity is understood as an integral personal education with the main parameters: social and psychological adequacy, developed subjectivity and self-sufficient self-relation. Manifestations of the maturity of future specialists in social and humanitarian spheres: social workers, psychologists,conflict experts (n = 303) were studied. The level and structural features of the manifestation of various parameters of maturity are shown. The differences in the parameters of personal maturity among students of different forms and areas of study are established.


maturity, helping professions, students, subjectivity of personality, self-attitude, social abilities


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