Potential of the family-related help in overcoming crisis of the mordovian young family in the coountryside

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 180187 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article considers the role of parent family in helping and supporting newlyweds is considered. The influence of family-related assistance on the success of the formation of the familistic culture of the mordovian young family in rural areas, its importance in the manifestation and overcoming of the crisis, as well as value orientations of young people in the sphere of marriage and family relations are revealed. As a result, the demand for family-related assistance in Mordovia as a traditional social institution and a modern form of intergenerational relationships is empirically substantiated. According to the results of a questionnaire survey of young families and parents of young spouses living in rural areas, the objective and subjective aspects of the functioning of the Institute of assistance in various subsystems of family-related relations of Mordovia are revealed. It is proved that the parent family and the entire system of relations connected with it are more important for young spouses than the activities of other entities whose functions include the provision of social assistance. It is also revealed that the family - related help is defined by social parameters of territorial community and national characteristics of sociocultural unity.


young family, family-related help, mordva


Citation — Harvard Notation


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