Psychological characteristics of teachers with different stages of professional burnout working in a preschool educational institution for visually impaired children

Vol. 21 Iss. 1 pp. 110115 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Article examines the psychological characteristics of teachers working in preschool educational institution for visually impaired children. Analysis has shown that the professional work of teacher of preschool educational institution is characterized by high emotional stress. In consequence, the growth of professional experience affects the development of pedagogical crisis, exhaustion and burnout. Results of the study suggest that the reduction of communicative competence, job satisfaction, extroversion, as well as inability to systematize personal activity, low social maturity, rise of anxiety, fear, diffi culties with adapting perception and ideas in changing situation increase the probability of professional burnout among teachers of preschool educational institution for visually impaired children.


teacher of preschool educational institution, visually impaired children, professional burnout


Citation — Harvard Notation


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