Psychological features of mothers with children up to six months (in the context of avoidance of breastfeeding)

Vol. 25 Iss. 1 pp. 2436 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article analyzes the implementation of breastfeeding in mothers with children up to six months. The key factors of its success are outlined. The results of a comparative study of psychological features of moth-ers are presented. It is noted that successful mothers are characterized by more stable self-esteem, better re-sistance to failures, and reduced aggressiveness. In addition, an optimum type of psychological component of gestational dominant determines the success of breastfeeding, being a part of the general maternal dominant, and refl ects the readiness of women to the motherhood.


maternal dominant, breastfeeding, the mother-child system, psychological features of mothers


Citation — Harvard Notation


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