Psychological selection of students applying to choreography schools (based on experience of The dance academy of Boris Eifman)

Vol. 20 Iss. 2 pp. 7985 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


As a rule, the one needs to select only a few, most capable students from the large fl ow of applicants, seeking to enroll in choreography school. This is a very diffi cult task, given the nature of abilities to manifest only during the activity. The traditional system of selecting students to choreography schools ignores psychologi-cal aspects of the problem. These issues follow from the characteristics and learning conditions of artistic and aesthetic (choreography) activity. This article describes the experience of studying psychological and pedagogi-cal readiness of children to study the art of ballet.


ballet, applicant, Eifman, learning, creativity


Citation — Harvard Notation


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