Psychosemantic analysis of representations about the city's transport system among the residents of St. Petersburg

Vol. 29 Iss. 1 pp. 2735 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The results of psychosemantic study of the assessment of movement in various modes of transport and in various conditions in the minds of the citizens of St. Petersburg are described. A five-factor model of the assessment of transport movement was found: comfort - discomfort, ease - difficulty, accessibility and safety - danger, solitude - crowdedness, temperature assessment of movement. The location of estimates of different types of urban transport in the semantic spaces of the selected factors is shown. The possibilities of psychosemantic methodology for solving issues of studying social representations about the transport infrastructure of the city are discussed.


transport, movement, psychosemantics, evaluation, social representations, comfort, ease, accessibility, safety, solitude


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