Social and psychological aspects of assistance to elderly in terms of preservation of activity

Vol. 27 Iss. 1 pp. 3644 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Activity is considered as a core feature that determines the success of any kind of activity, behavior, overcoming one or another life difficulties, loss and disappointment. The analysis of the determinants of elderly people in Russia is conducted. Using the questionnaire survey of residents of St. Petersburg, the needs of older people in various types of care and support are described. A conclusion was made that it is necessary to shift the emphasis from assistance in material security and services to developing assistance, e.g. assistance in personal development, in changing the worldview, the way of thinking, as well as lifestyle.


developing psychological assistance, activities of the elderly, life satisfaction, volunteering motivation


Citation — Harvard Notation


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