Social education as an area of innovative practice of training social specialists

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 5765 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Тhe article proves the expediency of new approaches to the organization of additional professional education of social sphere specialists. Attention is given to the technological aspects of the organization of educational process. The necessity of non-standard approaches to the organization of educational activity in higher schools of social profile to intensify innovative potential of future social specialists is substantiated. A wide net paradigm of professional education and transition from standardized training to individually-oriented social education based on the interests and needs of students is offered. Special attention is paid to the formation of practical skills and competence aimed at the solution of actual professional tasks and technological aspects of the organization of educational process in the system of continuous social education.


social education, professionalization of social work, specialists of social profile, additional professional education of social sphere specialists, professional development of students, educational technologies, innovative methods of teaching, effectiveness of training process


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