Social needs and social capital: aspects of personality and organization

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 2230 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article considers the socio-psychological semantic field of the concepts "social capital of the individual" and "social capital of the organization"at the theoretical level in the context of the concept of social needs of W. Schutz. It is proposed to allocate emotional, communicative and cognitive social capital of an individual (organization) according to the nature of his / her social needs in affect, inclusion and control. On the basis of the developed operational model of social capital at the empirical level with the help of the author's qualitative methodology "Capital, capital..." hypotheses about the structural organization of social capital and the relationship of its types with the experience of satisfying human social needs are proved. For a deeper test of the hypothesis about the relationship of types of social capital with types of social needs, a correlation study is conducted using the OMO methodology of A. A. Rukavishnikov (domestic version of the methodology of W. Schutz FIRO). Hypotheses about the correlation of the three types of social capital with human, public and reputational capital of organizations are put forward and substantiated.


social capital, social needs, social representations, emotional, communicative, cognitive social capital of the person (organization)


Citation — Harvard Notation


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