Subjective image of family life in the views of young married couples

Vol. 33 Iss. 1 pp. 8493 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article discusses the results of the study conducted among modern Russian families in 2019-2020. The data obtained by using a semi-structured interview are analyzed and described. For the content-analysis of the interview texts, the following categories, reflecting various aspects of the subjective way of family life for spouses, are identified: children, profession, family future, leadership, relations with relatives and friends. At the stage of selecting categories of analysis the study involved 47 people aged 18 to 30 years who are married and have different experience of joint life. At the stage of studying the subjective image of family life 18 couples, who have an experience of joint life of not more than 5 years, took part in the study. As a result of the research, the authors identified and described the spouses' views about the family and generalized the characteristics of the subjective way of family life in young married couples.


family, marriage, subjective of image family life, system of married couples’ views


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