The culture of communication and tolerance as the basis of the development of polyethnic society

Vol. 26 Iss. 2 pp. 127138 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article gives a historical overview of approaches to the problem of a culture of communication. Authors noted the particular importance of tolerance in a society. Results of the study of communication skills of students have shown the need to develop a culture of communication and to improve relationships in the process of educational and training activities aimed at learning traditions and cultures of the different peoples. Joint national holidays, tolerance and respect for each other form a style of interpersonal contacts and the ideological positions of the younger generation, providing mutual understanding and a favourable psychological climate, not only in the educational team but also in society.


communication, socio-historical experience, culture, language, respect, tolerance, empathy, transactional analysis, communication skills, competence


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