The heartfelt thought of meaning: discussion of the phenomenon of meaning in the context of systemic thinking

Vol. 29 Iss. 1 pp. 151159 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article describes the phenomenon of meaning as a systemic item, based on systemic thinking. The characteristic features of logical and systemic thinking are given. The ways of revealing the meaning are presented. Non-linearity, illogicality, hierarchy, spontaneity, judgment-free, and other characteristics are discussed. The significance of the spiritual and material place of the Heart in every world religion is described. The treatment of the Heart as an organ, which gives birth to the senses and qualities, necessary for their emergence, is described. The meaning is treated as a perfect, systemic, heartfelt thought, in other words, a thought which is much bigger than the synthesis of information and knowledge and possesses a linear hierarchical synthesis of the elements of the system: a phenomenon of a much higher hierarchical order.


meaning, systemic thinking, logotherapy, world religions


Citation — Harvard Notation


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