The meaning of beauty: understanding of the beauty phenomenon in psychological counseling

Vol. 32 Iss. 2 pp. 4049 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


This article deals with the content of the beauty phenomenon as an interdisciplinary category and as a psychological phenomenon. The subjective view on the beauty which is connected with the influence on the person of geo-climatic conditions, historical era, culture, family traditions, private judgments, and ability and desire to see the beauty is described. The article reveals the objective view on the beauty as the phenomenon existing outside the subjective judgment of a man, representing a property which is superior to the system (transcendental, space, the Universe, the Creator, etc.) which can be described in mathematical language (in terms of an order, symmetry, measure, proportion, harmony, balance, compliance, secrecy and novelty). The subjects connected with beauty in psychological consultation are considered: sense of beauty, thoughts about beauty, meanings, essence of beauty. It is argued that the condition of successful work in a lot is the consultant, his mature professional position, the formed picture of the world. The deeper and larger is the consultant 's judgment on beauty, the higher and more integrated will be the view he can discuss with the client. A consultant 's idea of beauty should be his acknowledged resource in psychological counselling.


beauty, meaning, value, transcendental, psychological consultation, logotherapy


Citation — Harvard Notation


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