The problem of implementation of electronic educational resources as an innovative training tool

Vol. 25 Iss. 1 pp. 140147 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


This article analyzes the role and possibilities of using electronic educational resources in modern education, as well as arising problems and contradictions. The paper describes a series of activities to educate teachers in the fi eld of e-learning resources. In the fi rst place, these activities are designed for teachers of foreign (English) language, although can be used in working with teachers of other disciplines. The article presents theoretical materials that can be used to train teachers, three practical and one project exercise on the topic: «Electronic educational resources as an innovative training tool».


electronic educational resources, e-learning resources, implementation of e-learning resources, in-novative learning tools, training of teachers


Citation — Harvard Notation


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