The stage of liminality in the personal self-development

Vol. 27 Iss. 1 pp. 4551 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article is carried out in line with the new independent direction of psychological science and practice — the psychology of self-development. The advantages of qualitative methods of psychological research for recreating the system of self-representations of self in the process of self-directed change are noted. A qualitative analysis of self-description by respondents (n = 35) of self-development experience - a conscious and purposeful construction or change of the "I" on the life path is presented. Particular attention is paid to the psychological characteristics of the stage of liminality. It is shown that the liminality in the course of self-development follows the awareness of the personality of the problem of the life situation and, through its aggravation, facilitates the person's decision to change the life situation through self-change. Phenomenological illustrations of the stage of liminality from the protocols of respondents are presented.


personality, self-development, internal picture, qualitative analysis


Citation — Harvard Notation


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