The use of information and communication technology with elements of psychophysiological diagnostics in the design of the adaptive monitoring system of knowledge and skills of aviation experts

Vol. 25 Iss. 1 pp. 128139 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The competency-based approach to the training of aerospace specialists is considered. The article analyses expediency and benefi ts of the use of modern information technology for organization and intensifi ca-tion of independent work of students under the implementation of competency-based approach in higher techni-cal school training. A person centered technology that ensures formation of professional competence is shown. Examples of methods of development of communicative and creative skills of students are given. Authors analyze the possibility and expediency of the psychophysiological diagnostics (PFD) of the personal, latent properties of the nervous system (NS) in aviation specialists (operators, navigators, aerospace technical college students, etc.) to be used in theoretical and practical stages of training with the purpose of following integration into the adaptive training system (ATS). Elements of the PFD are implemented as separate add-on module and software package based on the proprietary algorithms that implement diagnostic techniques of NS properties. Implementation of the PFD, according to the authors, potentially will increase the overall versatility of the sys-tem through obtaining more information on the student work with the system.


competency-based approach, aerospace specialists training, modern information technology, organi-zation of independent work of students, a person centered technology, maintenance of professional competence formation, development of student communicative and creative skills, automated training systems, adaptive training systems in aviation specialists training, psychophysiological diagnostics of students, latent properties of the nervous system, psychophysiological diagnostics, personal latent properties of the nervous system of stu-dents, adaptive test-based academic performance rating, adaptive task-based skills check


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