Training of future teachers for the formation of speech activity of primary school children

Vol. 34 Iss. 2 pp. 137145 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Training of future teachers of primary schools is currently one of the pressing problems in modern Kazakhstan. One of such ways is the introduction of a practice-oriented competence of a future primary school teacher. This involves the formation of professional competence of a primary school teacher, his ability to solve typical professional problems on the basis of acquired knowledge and experience.

In scientific pedagogy and psychology, the purpose of education and training is to develop a child’s personality. The development of personality is considered as a long process of acquiring the culture of the people. Speech culture is an integral part of the general culture, so speech development is the most important task of forming the personality of a preschool and primary school pupil. Teaching children the correct and expressive language both oral and written a difficult task which requires a comprehensive approach. Within the framework of the ascertaining experiment the authors analyzed the program and textbooks “Samopoznaniye” (“Self-knowledge”) from the 1st to the 4th grades. The content of this subject contributes to the development of dialogic speech of primary school students. The training of future teachers includes three components of educational activity: content, operational and motivational. The relationship of these components can serve as a characteristic of the level of readiness.

During the ascertaining experiment the levels of readiness of future teachers to work on the development of dialogic speech at a self-knowledge lesson were defined. The obtained results of the experiment confirmed the need to create a methodological system for working on the development of dialogic speech of primary school students.



speech activity, primary school pupils, professional, practice-oriented, competence, dialogical speech


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