Using art therapy in psychological correction of children’s fears

Vol. 23 Iss. 1 pp. 2023 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article analyzes the problem of children’s fears from the perspective of various psychological schools and directions. Main functions of fears (protection and security) and congenital determinants of fear are considered. Possibilities of art therapy in the effective psychological correction are demonstrated. The particular attention is paid to the usage of associative cards and elements of fairytale therapy in psychological correction of fears. Algorithms of working with children’s fear of dark are described. Authors’ interpretation of technique of subconscious communication helps to understand the meaning and effectiveness of this method in working with children’s fears.


psychological correction, art therapy, projective methods, association cards, fairytale therapy, children’s fears


Citation — Harvard Notation


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