Value-semantic orientations and spiritual resources of health in higher education students

Vol. 29 Iss. 1 pp. 125132 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


This article presents some aspects of the spiritual health issue from the perspective of the resource approach. The multidirectional nature of the interrelations between the value-semantic orientations and the level of the spiritual resources of students’ individual health is established. Students who note the presence of the main goal in life have a higher level of individual health and the level of its spiritual resources: the proactive coping and the existential fulfillment of personality. Students who attach importance to the problem of the meaning of life demonstrate a lower level of individual health.


health psychology, spiritual resources of health, proactivity, existential fulfillment, value-semantic orientations of students, purpose of life, meaning of life


Citation — Harvard Notation


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