Ways of improving psychological and medico-social rehabilitation of persons with visual disabilites

Vol. 25 Iss. 1 pp. 6573 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


This article presents the results of three-year empirical research on psychological health features in blind and visually impaired persons undergoing rehabilitation at the «St. Petersburg City Center for Medico-Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Visual Disability». The choice of research methods is justifi ed. The results of the study of such features as anxiety and motives of affi liation in selected rehabilitants from three age groups show the effectiveness of the use of innovative technologies, methods and forms of rehabilitation in the system of rehabilitation of emotional state and the level of anxiety in blind and visually impaired persons.


rehabilitation of disabled, innovative technologies, emotional state of rehabilitants, level of anxiety of blind and visually impaired persons, sociological status of blind and visually impaired persons, fear of rejection, desire to be accepted by others, self-realization of blind and visually impaired persons


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