Interaconnection between agressiviness of younger adolescents and their ideas about relationships in the family

Vol. 33 Iss. 1 pp. 103114 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article deals with the problem of aggressiveness and the possibility of its interrelation with the ideas of relationships in families of younger adolescents. The paper considers the problem of studying family relationships, the difficulties of direct investigation of them and offers an organic solution to this problem – consideration of the whole issue in the paradigm of social views. Within this approach the theoretical nature of behavior determination through social views as well as features in the study of this determination are described. In order to find out the interconnection between the ideas of their family and the level of aggressiveness in younger adolescents, the authors studied 110 teenagers aged 12 to 14 years old (51 boys and 59 girls). It was found out that many elements of the ideas of their family have a close relationship with the severity of their aggressiveness and the key ones having a relationship with many forms of aggressiveness were identified.


social views, aggressiveness, child-parent relationships, adolescence, teenagers


Citation — Harvard Notation


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