Socially-oriented practices of academic mobility: the experience of Kazakhstan innovation

Vol. 19 Iss. 1 pp. 146150 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The paper presents an analytical refl ection on the role and locus of modern innovative practices of academic mobility in the strategic reforms of all educational institutions in Kazakhstan. It elaborates on the genesis and mission of Nazarbayev University in the process of shaping the intellectual core of the nation. The paper validates priority of the Presidential «Bolashak» Scholarship Program and Nazarbayev University in the strategic paradigm of prudent use of innovative practices of international academic mobility for the establish-ment and development of the intellectual core of the nation. The article also provides an analysis of the prob-lematic aspects of Kazakhstan’s higher education and presents a set of recommendations aimed at modernizing transformation of the education sector of the country. A special consideration is given to the analysis of social orientation of state programs supporting intellectual mobility in higher education of Kazakhstan.


strategic trends, academic mobility, the «Bolashak» Scholarship


Citation — Harvard Notation


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