A survey of colour concepts

Vol. 12 Iss. 2 pp. 148156 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The present paper has presented a brief review of development of representations about color space. Due to color and, in particular, a color circle and-or a body, we staticized an opportunity of classification of diverse functions and relations which has naturally connected a scale of equal relations with is information - spatially - a time continuum of an environment, that is with objective units of measurements both objective, and subjective functions of expression. Color was that adequate means

which has allowed to classify diverse properties on ontological predicates, things and their relations in social work. So, in particular, we have shown an opportunity of the construction of information models of intelligence.


psychological models, color percept, the review of color-psychological concepts


Citation — Harvard Notation


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