Approaches to identifying the meaning in V. Frankl’s logotherapy
The article reveals the approaches to identifying the meaning described in modern logotherapy. The article describes V. Frankl's dimensional model, the phenomenon of self-distancing and self-transcendence, the values of attitude, creativity and experience. It is emphasized that it is the awareness of one's own values that determines the quality of a person's life and his general condition.
Values are located along three vectors, at different points of the socio-space-time continuum and are related to the present / future of a person; to relationships with oneself / with other people and the world in general.
The task of logotherapy is to help the client in identifying the value, realizing it, discovering the connections that unite it with other people, with oneself, with the future, with the world as a whole, and meaningfully embedding it in one's own life. The result is the recognition of meaning as an answer to the question why, for what this value is needed.
Traditionally described in logotherapy the values of creativity, experience and relationship are placed in the context of socio-spartial-temporal continuum of human life.
Five vectors are shown as reference points in which values can be detected: “Understanding the present”, “Present — future”, “I — the nearest surrounding”,“I — others”, “I — the World”.
The meaning is a link that connects the present of a person with the value highlighted by him in whatever area of socio-spartial-temporal continuum of life it is located. The meaning makes this value concrete, unique and really necessary in the present, significantly changing a person, his habits, behavior, thoughts, feelings.
logotherapy, Frankl, meaning, values, psychological counseling
Citation — Harvard Notation
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