Comparative analysis of the results of the study of the specificity of emotional categorization of chromatic and geometric characteristics, valuation of psycho-emotional status and level of anxiety in senior preschool children with different speech and somatic status
This article presents an experimental way to assess the emotional condition of senior preschool children with different levels of health and speech development, compared with children without developmental disorders. The rationale behind the methodology is the provision of the specificity and the relative independence o f the categorical structures associated with the color classification, which are updated mainly emotionally rich situations o f extreme nature, facilitating orientation in the situation. These categorical structures are categorical structure of emotional reactions. The rationale for the study on children is the fact that children o f color perception of objects is comparable to the perception of adults, but still quite freely and not so stereotyped. The object o f research supports the classification of geometric figures subjects.
psycho-emotional status, categorical structure, health, speech development
Citation — Harvard Notation
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