Dignity of the dead body as a subject in bioethics
29 Iss. 1 pp. 160–166 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101
Vol. Abstract
The article deals with the problem of determining the value of a dead human body. The author believes that this problem finds its strategic solution in finding balance between the internal value of a corpse and its instrumental value. If the conversation about the inner value of the body of a deceased person takes us to the topic of the symbolic dignity of the corpse in its integrity, then the instrumental value of the corpse is revealed when we believe that the body can be used for the benefit of society.
overflow principle, principle of integrity, rule for the inadmissibility of using a dead body for commercial purposes, terminal and instrumental value of a dead body, plastination
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Citation — Harvard Notation
Semenkov, V.E. (2018), "Dignity of the dead body as a subject in bioethics", Uchenyye zapiski Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta psikhologii i sotsialnoy raboty, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 160–166
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