Experience of creation and support of groups of mutual aid and self-employment of families with children-invalids

Vol. 13 Iss. 1 pp. 4651 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The results of program for organization and conduction of family self-help and self-busyness groups with handicapped children are in analysis. This program is oriented on children social habilitation and family training for social independence. Formation of family self-help groups and carrying out the studies which create the group orientation on mutual actions organization and allocating duties among the collective were included in the program. The movement, character and reasons of family and children status alterations in the course of the program realization as equal as the social effect of the program are in discussion.


self-help groups, self-busyness, reqirements, group and pair work, hyppotherapy


Citation — Harvard Notation


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