Experience of using role-playing game for diagnostics and development of skills of professional reflection in students-psychologists

Vol. 25 Iss. 1 pp. 113120 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article discusses features of social and role-playing game method for diagnostics and develop-ment of skills of professional reflection in students-psychologists in the context of the orientation of educational process on the interactive learning technologies. It is proposed to consider the author’s personal experience in designing, conducting and analyzing the results of role-playing game from the category of «game selection», «survival game». Based on empirical data, collected through observation of the particular game, the author demonstrates the signifi cant moment in which the actualization of empathic reflection of individual participants allows the entire group to come to an unexpected final result. In conclusion, the author suggests ideas for further work with this group of students to develop their professional reflection.


innovative teaching technologies, role-playing games, group discussion, professional refl ection, ethi-cal component


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