Family education as a factor affecting the development of deviant behaior

Vol. 21 Iss. 1 pp. 6569 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article considers the problem of the infl uence of family education on the formation of deviant behavior. An assessment is given to the relation between features of family education and the development of deviant behavior among children and adolescents in post-modern Russia from educational, psychological, sociological and cultural perspectives. Various forms of deviant behavior manifestation are shown as a reaction to the unresolved family confl icts. An analysis of types of cultures as general trends, affecting the development of adaptive-maladaptive socialization, is presented. Authors analyze styles of family education in the context of possible deviant behavior.


deviant behavior, types of culture, maladjustment, types of social education


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