Features of self-attitude of women who have experienced abuse in childhood

Vol. 33 Iss. 1 pp. 718 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


Interest in self-relation in the study of problems of consciousness has very high rate in the context of various scientific directions and different scientific paradigms. Although there are numerous studies of self-awareness, the phenomenon of self-relation distortion due to violence experienced in childhood in an adult, however, has not been sufficiently studied. In the psychological literature, there is a lack of works of both theoretical and empirical nature that explore the problems of the influence of violence on self-relation. There is no unified vision of this field in psychology, and a full-fledged terminological and conceptual apparatus has not developed.

This article provides an overview of the various effects of child abuse on the formation of self-attitude. In particular, it analyzes the primary results of an empirical study of the self-attitude of women who have experienced abuse in childhood.


Delayed consequences of violence, psychotrauma, self-attitude, ICAST-R, self-attitude research, resilience, life orientations.


Citation — Harvard Notation


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