Image of St. Petersburg public oceanarium in the minds of its visitors

Vol. 31 Iss. 1 pp. 3241 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


On the example of St. Petersburg Oceanarium, the effectiveness of using a customer-centric approach to increase the profitability and attractiveness of eco-objects is shown. The authors thereby studied the cognitive content and emotional colouring of the image of St. Petersburg Oceanarium in the minds of its visitors (using the methods of psycho-semantic analysis, content analysis of reviews, surveys during the exhibition, and on the Internet). The Oceanarium is perceived as a multifunctional institution of leisure-entertainment and scientific-educational orientation. Visits to the Oceanarium have aesthetic, relaxation, cognitive and socio-communicative value.


oceanairum, visitors, image, emotional assessment, needs, ideas, expectations, impressions


Citation — Harvard Notation


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