Inclusive culture and pedagogy of mutual assistance

Vol. 20 Iss. 1 pp. 97106 | St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work | ISSN: 1993-8101


The article is devoted to problems of interaction between disabled people, their families, and society. The general aspects of the problem of inclusion of disabled people in the life of society, education, professional activity, and rehabilitation are considered. Particular attention is paid to the need for systematic work with people with disabilities and their families as a leading imperative aimed at full inclusion of social work, consideration of aspects of the modern paradigm of social work in the structure of tasks of social inclusion. The basis of productive inclusion is mutual assistance as an effective part of helping, altruistic attitude. Mutual assistance is a special type of human relations, characterized by the ability and inclination of people to support each other, to provide surrounding people with the necessary and feasible help, to care for and worry about each other, to protect each other. Only mutual help is able to heal a person and his relationship. Therefore, the pedagogy of assistance should be the pedagogy of mutual assistance: people with special needs are in need of serving the world, understanding themselves and increasing their opportunities.


invalidism, segregation, inclusion, mutual help pedagogy, rehabilitation, habilitation


Citation — Harvard Notation


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